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UK government hints at U-turn on Huawei role in 5G technology

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Culture secretary tells defence committee US sanctions likely to affect Chinese firm’s viability

The culture secretary hinted on Tuesday that the government was close to announcing a U-turn on its controversial decision to allow Huawei to supply 5G technology when he said that American sanctions appeared likely to affect the Chinese company.

Oliver Dowden told members of a special defence select committee scrutinising Huawei that an emergency review ordered last month was close to running its course and that a change in policy would probably be necessary.

Continue reading…Culture secretary tells defence committee US sanctions likely to affect Chinese firm’s viabilityThe culture secretary hinted on Tuesday that the government was close to announcing a U-turn on its controversial decision to allow Huawei to supply 5G technology when he said that American sanctions appeared likely to affect the Chinese company.Oliver Dowden told members of a special defence select committee scrutinising Huawei that an emergency review ordered last month was close to running its course and that a change in policy would probably be necessary. Continue reading…