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At least 7 injured, 3 ‘seriously’ after car plows into people on sidewalk in Berlin

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A number of people were injured on Sunday morning when a car rammed into bystanders in Berlin’s western district of Charlottenburg. The driver was apprehended by security forces, it has been confirmed.

The dramatic incident unfolded near the Bahnhof Zoo station in Berlin-Charlottenburg, which is located near the city’s popular zoo. A vehicle veered off the road and struck the sidewalk, the German capital’s fire service reported on Twitter.

#Verkehrsunfall in #Charlottenburg

Am #Hardenbergplatz kam es zu einem schweren Verkehrsunfall, infolgedessen 5 Personen zum Teil schwer verletzt worden sind. Ein Rettungshubschrauber ist ebenfalls im Einsatz. Weitere Infos folgen … pic.twitter.com/b1kcKJ2Vxc

— Berliner Feuerwehr (@Berliner_Fw) July 26, 2020

Seven people have been injured, three of them seriously, it said, adding that one person required emergency care.

Around 60 rescuers were deployed to the area, which was quickly sealed off by police. Authorities have also sent in medevac helicopters to airlift the injured to hospital.

© REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch

Local media said the driver himself was among those injured. He was swiftly apprehended by police, who do not believe there were any “political or religious” motives behind the incident at this stage.

Law enforcers used police dogs to check for the presence of any explosives. Heavily armed officers were also present nearby.

© REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch

The car in question happen to be a black SUV bearing Estonian license plates, Berliner Zeitung newspaper reported.

However, the cause of the devastating crash remains unclear.

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A number of people were injured on Sunday morning when a car rammed into bystanders in Berlin’s western district of Charlottenburg. The driver was apprehended by security forces, it has been confirmed. Read Full Article at RT.com