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"Population Density Linked to COVID-19 Spread in India"

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NEW DELHI, Jul 08 (IPS) – Indian health experts say the findings of a US study — which suggest that population density is unrelated to COVID-19 infection rates — to be completely contradictory to their experience of dealing with the pandemic in India, a country with 1.3 billion people.  

Read the full story, “”Population Density Linked to COVID-19 Spread in India””, on globalissues.org

NEW DELHI, Jul 08 (IPS) – Indian health experts say the findings of a US study — which suggest that population density is unrelated to COVID-19 infection rates — to be completely contradictory to their experience of dealing with the pandemic in India, a country with 1.3 billion people.  Read the full story, “”Population Density Linked to COVID-19 Spread in India””, on globalissues.org →