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Turkey successfully tests its first homegrown anti-ship cruise missile (VIDEO)

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Turkey’s domestically built anti-ship cruise missile has passed its final test, hitting a target some 200km away, the country’s defense industry has said. It’s expected to be adopted by the military shortly.

 Footage of the ATMACA missile trials has been shared on Twitter by the head of Turkey’s Defense Industries, Ismail Demir.

The short video shows the missile being launched from a test ground ashore and scoring a hit on a mock target.

Atmacamız bu sefer uzun uçtu 🚀🇹🇷

200+ km mesafedeki hedefi başarıyla vurarak fonksiyonlarını mükemmel şekilde yerine getiren #ATMACA seyir füzemiz envantere girmeye hazırlanıyor.@roketsan#İstiklâlveİstikbâlimizİçin pic.twitter.com/BLp4urqAdz

— Ismail Demir (@IsmailDemirSSB) July 4, 2020

“ATMACA flew a long distance this time. It successfully hit a target over 200km away and is ready to enter the weapons inventory,” Demir wrote.

The video also shows the process of designing the missile, which has been in development at missile producer Roketsan since the late 2000s. It can be fitted into various types of vessel, including patrol boats, corvettes, and frigates, Roketsan has said, describing it as a modern, long-range, and high-precision weapon.

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It’s expected to be adopted by the Turkish military by the end of the year, replacing its ageing US-made Harpoon missiles.

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Turkey’s domestically built anti-ship cruise missile has passed its final test, hitting a target some 200km away, the country’s defense industry has said. It’s expected to be adopted by the military shortly. Read Full Article at RT.com