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Iran says UAE-Israel deal a 'stab in the back' to Muslims

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Iran says UAE-Israel deal a 'stab in the back' to MuslimsIran’s Foreign Ministry strongly condemned a historic deal establishing full diplomatic relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, calling it a stab in the back to all Muslims, state TV reported Friday. Iran, in the ministry statement, called the normalizing of ties between the two countries a dangerous, “shameful” measure and warned the UAE against Israel interfering in the “political equations” of the Persian Gulf region. “The UAE government and other accompanying governments must accept responsibility for all the consequences of this action,” the statement said.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry strongly condemned a historic deal establishing full diplomatic relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, calling it a stab in the back to all Muslims, state TV reported Friday. Iran, in the ministry statement, called the normalizing of ties between the two countries a dangerous, “shameful” measure and warned the UAE against Israel interfering in the “political equations” of the Persian Gulf region. “The UAE government and other accompanying governments must accept responsibility for all the consequences of this action,” the statement said.