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WATCH: Thick black smoke billows from HUGE HOTEL FIRE in Spain

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A massive fire has erupted at the Trinimar Hotel in the eastern Spanish municipality of Benicàssim, with clouds of thick black smoke filling an area packed with tourists after the lifting of the Covid-19 restrictions.

🏨🔥 Aparatoso incendio en el Hotel Trinimar de #Benicàssim. ¡Esperemos que no haya que lamentar daños personales y que los materiales sean los mínimos! pic.twitter.com/IWon18RnBC

— Vicente Blay (@Vicenblay) August 12, 2020

The blaze set off the fire alarms, leading to the evacuation of 260 people, according to local reports.

Eyewitness footage of the incident shows massive clouds of black smoke billowing from the burning building’s lower floors.

🇪🇸#ESPAÑA 🚨#ÚLTIMAHORA | Se registra incendio en el hotel Servigroup Trinimar de Benicàssim, en Castellón. pic.twitter.com/Wyl6KPPBCg

— Rochex R. Robinson Bonilla (@RochexRB27) August 12, 2020

The dense smoke filled the area surrounding the hotel.

Desalojan el hotel #Trinimar en la Playa de Heliópolis, en #Benicàssim (España), por un incendio en el parking pic.twitter.com/KoFl0KW4UT

— Henry A. Pinto (@hapinto2) August 12, 2020

The local fire department said on Twitter that the blaze has affected the cafeteria inside the building and the outdoor parking lot. No injuries or deaths have been reported.

Imágenes incendio en un Hotel en #Benicassim. Ha afectado a una zona de parking exterior y al forjado superior donde se encuentra un restaurante del hotel. Desalojadas 260 personas. Incendio controlado , #BomberosCPBC continúan trabajando. Se retiran 3 dotaciones . pic.twitter.com/3qyWQ0iaW5

— CPBC (@SIAB_Castellon) August 12, 2020

🔥🏨 #Benicassim
Imágenes del incendio a las 14:10h. pic.twitter.com/sRnPC0GthM

— VOST Comunitat Valenciana (@VOSTcvalenciana) August 12, 2020

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A massive fire has erupted at the Trinimar Hotel in the eastern Spanish municipality of Benicàssim, with clouds of thick black smoke filling an area packed with tourists after the lifting of the Covid-19 restrictions. Read Full Article at RT.com