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Fascinated and trepidatious, world braces for America's vote

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Fascinated and trepidatious, world braces for America's voteIn one of the towns in Normandy where U.S. Army paratroopers fought and died on D-Day in World War II, a French store owner already has readied the “Trump 2020” flag that he plans to unfurl in celebration if the U.S. president wins a second term. A very real feared repercussion for some was the prospect of a reelected Trump further closing pathways to immigrants and some visitors.

In one of the towns in Normandy where U.S. Army paratroopers fought and died on D-Day in World War II, a French store owner already has readied the “Trump 2020” flag that he plans to unfurl in celebration if the U.S. president wins a second term. A very real feared repercussion for some was the prospect of a reelected Trump further closing pathways to immigrants and some visitors.