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A Move to Out-Maneuver US Veto on Palestine

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UNITED NATIONS, Jun 21 (IPS) – The United States—which has continued to use its veto power to block Palestine from UN membership —may be out-maneuvered by a growing new campaign by some UN member states planning to establish full political and diplomatic relations with Palestine outside the confines of the United Nations.

Read the full story, “A Move to Out-Maneuver US Veto on Palestine”, on globalissues.org

UNITED NATIONS, Jun 21 (IPS) – The United States—which has continued to use its veto power to block Palestine from UN membership —may be out-maneuvered by a growing new campaign by some UN member states planning to establish full political and diplomatic relations with Palestine outside the confines of the United Nations.Read the full story, “A Move to Out-Maneuver US Veto on Palestine”, on globalissues.org →