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Royal Netherlands Air Force just got its new F-35 stealth fighters

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On 14 July, the Royal Netherlands Air Force has received two more F-35A Lightning II stealth fighters at Leeuwarden Air Base, with some delay.

New fighters were delivered to the Netherlands with delay due to the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy, where the aircraft were built.

According to the Scramble Magazine, the new F-35 fighters with serials F-011 and F-012 arrived on Tuesday with radio call sign Netherlands Air Force 322. Leeuwarden now hosts four F-35As.

The first two jets for Norway delivered to Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, in late 2015, where they are being used for pilot training.

Norway received its first F-35s four years ago.

The Netherlands initially ordered 37 Lightning IIs for the KLu in 2001. In October 2019 another nine were ordered. The last deliveries are expected in the 2023/2024 timeframe.

Norway is the fourth country after the United States, Israel and Italy to receive the F-35 stealth fighters.

On 14 July, the Royal Netherlands Air Force has received two more F-35A Lightning II stealth fighters at Leeuwarden Air Base, with some delay. New fighters were delivered to the Netherlands with delay due to the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy, where the aircraft were built. According to the Scramble Magazine, the new F-35 fighters with