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Forty years ago, the Shah of Iran died in exile

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Forty years ago, the Shah of Iran died in exileOn July 27, 1980, the former Shah of Iran died of cancer while in exile in Cairo, 17 months after being driven out by his country’s Islamic Revolution. The once-venerated Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi had fled Iran in January 1979 in the face of an uprising on the streets, after a reign of 37 years in which he dreamt of making his country the fifth world power by 2000.

On July 27, 1980, the former Shah of Iran died of cancer while in exile in Cairo, 17 months after being driven out by his country’s Islamic Revolution. The once-venerated Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi had fled Iran in January 1979 in the face of an uprising on the streets, after a reign of 37 years in which he dreamt of making his country the fifth world power by 2000.