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Pompeo warns of UN sanctions if Iran arms ban ends

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Pompeo warns of UN sanctions if Iran arms ban endsSecretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday gave his clearest indication yet that the United States would seek to force UN sanctions on Iran if an arms embargo lapses. Russia and China, two of the Permanent Five nations that enjoy veto power on the Security Council, want the UN embargo on selling conventional weapons to Iran to end on October 18 as laid out under a 2015 resolution. Pompeo told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the United States would introduce a resolution to extend the embargo “in the near future” which “we hope will be met with approval from other members of the P5.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday gave his clearest indication yet that the United States would seek to force UN sanctions on Iran if an arms embargo lapses. Russia and China, two of the Permanent Five nations that enjoy veto power on the Security Council, want the UN embargo on selling conventional weapons to Iran to end on October 18 as laid out under a 2015 resolution. Pompeo told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the United States would introduce a resolution to extend the embargo “in the near future” which “we hope will be met with approval from other members of the P5.”