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COVID-19 Sharpens Caste Discrimination in Nepal

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KAILALI, Nepal, Aug 14 (IPS) – Across Nepal, it is the already under-served and vulnerable who have been affected by the prolonged lockdowns. But it is the Dalit returnees from India who have tested positive and their families who face double discrimination.

Read the full story, “COVID-19 Sharpens Caste Discrimination in Nepal”, on globalissues.org

KAILALI, Nepal, Aug 14 (IPS) – Across Nepal, it is the already under-served and vulnerable who have been affected by the prolonged lockdowns. But it is the Dalit returnees from India who have tested positive and their families who face double discrimination.Read the full story, “COVID-19 Sharpens Caste Discrimination in Nepal”, on globalissues.org →