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Iran calls US defeat over UN arms embargo a ‘humiliation’

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Hassan Rouhani triumphant after only two countries vote in favour of prolonging embargo

Iran’s president said on Saturday that the US had suffered a humiliating defeat after the UN security souncil refused to extend an arms embargo on Tehran. US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, meanwhile, called the action a “serious mistake”.

The UN security souncil on Friday voted on the US effort to extend the arms embargo on Iran. Russia and China voted against, while 11 members – including France, Germany and Britain – abstained. The US and the Dominican Republic were the only votes in favour.

Continue reading…Hassan Rouhani triumphant after only two countries vote in favour of prolonging embargoIran’s president said on Saturday that the US had suffered a humiliating defeat after the UN security souncil refused to extend an arms embargo on Tehran. US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, meanwhile, called the action a “serious mistake”.The UN security souncil on Friday voted on the US effort to extend the arms embargo on Iran. Russia and China voted against, while 11 members – including France, Germany and Britain – abstained. The US and the Dominican Republic were the only votes in favour. Continue reading…